Dates I Events

Countdown to the circus project


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Dates for the 2023/2024 school year

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Thurs. 12/21/23 to Fri. 01/05/24�;Christmas holidays�
;Afternoon care in Wolperath from January 2nd. Open all day until January 6th, 2023 Registration required
Fr. 12.01.2024�;Sch�ler*innenparlament�
From. 01.23.2024�;Zeugniskopie�
Fri. January 26th, 2024; Report Card Issue / Project Day / Natural Sciences Day (lessons for all children until 1:25 p.m.)��
;Afternoon care is open regularly
Mon. 01/29/2024; Class 1st Class Caregiver
Tue. January 30th, 2024�; Class 2nd class supervisor�
Wed. 01/31/2024�;Class guardianship of classes 3�
Thu. 02/01/2024�; Class 4th class supervisor�
Fr. 02.02.2024�;MoVe�
Do. 08.02.2024�;Weiberfastnacht�
;Lessons end for all students at 11.40 a.m.�
;Afternoon care open until 1 p.m.�
Fr. 09.02. Mo. 12.02. und��; schulfrei�
Tue. February 13, 2024�;Custom days / flexible holiday days�
;Afternoon care open all day on Fridays and Tuesdays Registration required
;Mon afternoon care closed�
Wed. February 14, 2024; Ash Wednesday: Service for classes 3 and 4 in the first hour
Do. 15.02.2024 �;Schulpflegschaft��
Fr. 23.02.2024�;Sch�ler*innenparlament�
M�RZ 2024�;
Fr. 01.03.2023�;MoVe�
Thu. 07.03. and Fri. March 8, 2024�;1. Cycling exercise classes 4 with police
Fr. 15.03.2024�;Sch�ler*innenparlament�
Fr. 22.03.2024�;MoVe�
Mon. 25.03. until Fri. April 5, 2024�;Easter holidays�
;Afternoon care in Neunkirchen open all day Registration required
APRIL 2024�;
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